Being in more natural environments (beaches, forests, mountains, etc.) is a key tool in regulating our nervous system.
Unfortunately, in modern Western societies, many people have become quite separated from nature’s cycles. Many live in cities full of artificial light, spaces without green areas, heavily processed foods, and so on. These environments disconnect us from natural cycles and disrupt our natural rhythms.
As humans, we are a part of nature. We have biological needs, including rest. However Western culture tends to see us as more like machines. In this society, we are pushed to be constantly productive. This of course leads us to become exhausted, ill, and eventually depressed and burned out.
Living in accordance with our natural cycles helps us to connect to our needs and to find balance. By cycles I mean every cycle we are connected to. These include sleeping, eating, seasonal, working, menstrual, moon, and hormonal. Rest is an essential part of these cycles. All beings take time to pause, to digest, to recuperate.
Too often we forget to honour the cycles we are in. We become disconnected from our bodies and what we need.
Do you always welcome all the versions of yourself?
Depending on the cycles we are in, there are different women inside of us. Cycle awareness helps us to be more gentle and kind to all the women that live inside us.
I love honouring the season and the wisdom that came from observing the transformation within it. I found it very helpful and inspiring along my journey to break the burnout cycle. This relationship with nature’s cycles gives me a sense of connection with all beings.
Working with me, you will develop your connection with nature and its cycles. You will come to honour all parts of the cycle, including the darkness, the low energy, the moments of pause.
You will learn to connect to your basic needs as a human with joy, fun and pleasure!
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